Senin, 26 April 2010

I Called This: A Family Nite Out!

Who doesnt know Radiohead? Or ever once heard High and Dry...

"Dont leave me high... Dont leave me dry...."

Salah satu dari lagu Radiohead yang paling easy listening. Saya yakin semua pasti tahu. Rite? Nah, seorang teman, dengan tingkat fanatisme yang tinggi, hehe [peace, Jar Mey], mengundang c'COrD untuk bermain di event yang dia adakan untuk mengumpulkan 10.000 tandatangan sebagai salah satu bentuk support kepada Adrie Subono untuk mendatangkan Radiohead ke Indonesia Aaaah, suatu niat yang mulia, bukan? And this is it! In the holy nite, April 25th 2010, semua berkumpul di IBC Cafe dan sing along! Its very touching, mannn.

c'COrD plays with their honestly, just like usually. I really proud of them. It was something that cure my homesickness to enjoy they life performance...[ayo silahkan, siapa lagi yang mau mengajak Kami manggung....hhe *ngiklan*]. Mereka berjalan di awan sambil bersenandung: JUST! [yeayy...], Always in Mind, Horny Feel, Paranoid Android, and TRAPPED! An awesome songlist.

Yep. Semoga Adrie Subono berhasil membawa Radiohead ke tanah pertiwi ini. Amin.

I love c'COrD.
I love the Panic.
I love my friends who have comes.
I love every single conversation that we made. Also the chill beers.

I love this family nite out.


thx to Arie Syarifudin for the great photo works!

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