Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

"Selamat datang, Kami anak-anak yang masih mau hidup"

In my world, we're eat butterfly pups and rainbow dust. Rachel Corrie mengirimkannya setiap pagi. For free. Tapi sering juga kami memakan rumput kering atau bakso pedas dengan cabe kering didalamnya. Rachel juga yang mengirimnya. Itu kalau dia sudah bosan mencari sarang kupu-kupu atau saat hujan datang tak berhenti-henti.

In my world, the children who have died and suffered for a long time has a silver bicycle. One kid, one bike. Sepeda dengan bubuk peri ajaib. Setiap mereka bersenang hati, sepeda silvernya bisa terbang, meskipun tanpa sayap atau mesin roket pendorong untuk terbang. Dan di sini, mereka bersenang hati sepanjang hari.

In my world, there is no adult who shoot on the children, no dad who raped his daughter, and no one made sex video. Kami lebih suka piknik dan menjilati lollypop bergambar kelinci. Atau berenang di sungai tanpa baju, kadang-kadang meloncat dari tebing lalu melayang menyebrangi hutan.

In my world, people drink milk in the morning and eat food in the day time. Name of my world is: Dunia Pok Amee-amee.

In my world, Rachel Corrie is still alive and she was playing with the kids with a hole in the head or the back. The kids with no legs or no arms. Some kids, wears stripes pijama. They're so happy! And no bulldozers in here.


a notes for Rachel Corrie [April, 10 1979-March, 16 2003]